
rain barrels

Energy Efficient Garden Practices

Gardening has become an increasingly popular pastime in recent years. Here are some considerations to take in to be more energy efficient while gardening. These are the main points of focus where one can implement new energy efficiency garden practices. Water Utilization One of the most important aspects in gardening aside from the plants themselves is the water used to promote their growth. Some water conservation tips to adopt can include choosing to water the

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President Joe Biden

Biden’s Plan to Reach Energy Efficiency: Year in Review

With climate change concerns increasingly on our minds, sustainability has been an important part of modern political agendas. Climate action on a federal policy scale is a great way to make a significant impact, but how much can actually be achieved within 4 years? Let’s take a close look on how we’re doing so far! When president Biden came into office over a year ago, his plan as it related to the energy sector was

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laptop, notebook and pen

Saving Energy While Working From Home

More time working from home means more energy use. Here are some easy energy saving habits to adopt when you are home. 1. Dedicated Workspace Staying in one place is helpful, both in your work concentration and energy use. Avoid using power in rooms where you are not present, such as lights in living/dining rooms. For the devices like your laptop, printer, or TV, it’s useful to unplug those when not in use because they

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spring cleaning products

Spring Cleaning: Increasing Efficiency With Your Current Home

Did you know that spring cleaning can make your home more energy efficient? Below are a handful of different things you can incorporate into your spring cleaning routine: Cleaning Larger Appliances. It would be great to start with cleaning appliances such as a refrigerator, clothes dryer, and oven. These appliances are larger and used more often, so they could benefit from a little cleaning. When the vent at the back of the refrigerator and the

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